Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions of using our web site
By accessing www.demirandco.com.au you agree to accept the terms and conditions that are set out below.
- "cookies" means a standard for storing small pieces of data on your computer.
- "linked web site" means any web site hyper linked from our web site.
- "loss" means any loss or damage howsoever caused (including through negligence) which may be directly or indirectly suffered including but not limited to damages, costs, claims and any liability whatsoever.
- "our web site" means the whole or any part of this web site (www.demirandco.com.au) including its layout, underlying code elements, text, individual elements of design, sounds, graphics, animated elements or any other content of this web site.
- "other entities" means corporate or individuals referred to in our web site other than us and may include agents, information providers and licensors.
- "us" and "we" means Demir and Co. and its officers, directors and employees.
- "you" means the person or persons accessing or having access to our web site.
Intellectual Property
All material published on our web site is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights which vests either in us or in other entities. The holders of the copyright or other intellectual property rights do not authorise you to use their copyright or intellectual rights in any manner or for any purpose whatsoever except as permitted by law. You may not make any alterations or additions to the material on our web site or sell it or use it for any purposes not authorised by us. If you republish any material, in any format, appropriate acknowledgement of the copyright owner is required.
a. General Disclaimer
We are not, under any circumstances, liable to you for any loss suffered by you associated or in connection with your use of our web site or any linked web site, and neither is any other entity. You release and indemnify, to the full extent permitted by law, us and any other entities from any claim relating to such loss.
b. Specific Disclaimers
Without limitation to the General Disclaimer:
- We are not liable to you or anyone else if your computer system suffers interference or damage due to your use of our web site or a linked web site. You are responsible for taking your own precautions against viruses or anything else that may interfere with or damage the operation of your computer.
- We may, without notice and at our discretion, from time to time alter our web site (including these terms and conditions). We are not responsible to keep our web site up-to-date and are not liable to you or anyone else if any information is incorrect or not up-to-date.
- To the full extent permitted by law, all representations, warranties and other terms are excluded.
You authorise us and other entities and linked web sites to store cookies in your browser. By using cookies we can track information about your usage of our web site or a linked web site, use of password protection or provide customised content. In some cases cookies may be accessed by servers other than the originating server.
The majority of features on our web site do not require you to identify yourself. However, there are some features where this and other information is required. We will only collect information about you for a purpose directly related to our function or activities. The information could include your contact details and/or financial information and/or other information. The contact details are used by us and any person or organisation permitted by us ("third parties") to contact you. You may, upon notifying us, request us to delete your contact details from our records so that you do not receive unsolicited mailings from us. Financial information is used by us to send you an account for any goods and/or services provided to you. Other information provided by you may be shared with third parties, advertisers and market researchers. Examples of this other information are your post code, gender, age and level of income and you authorise it to be kept for the gathering of statistics and establishing trends.
We are authorised by you:
- to collect, enter into a database and retain information that is provided by you; and
- to communicate your contact details to third parties who may contact you for direct marketing or promotional purposes.
If we are required by law, or by a person or organisation with proper authority, or where it is necessary to defend or enforce our rights or property, our web site or a linked web site or where there is a public benefit (such as preventing unlawful activity or serious threats to individuals, public health or safety) we may make disclosure to such person or organisation.
You may upon request find out what data about you is being held by us, have access to that data (or the reasons why you cannot), challenge the data and, if successful, have it erased, rectified, completed or amended. If the data is inaccurate or incomplete requests should be directed by email using the feedback section of our web site. If you believe we have not adhered to the above principles or have any comments please email us using the feedback section of our web site and we will use reasonable efforts to deal with the matter.
We may at our discretion and without any reason and without recourse by you suspend your access to all or any part of our web site.
Governing Law
In the case of any disputes with us:
- the Courts of Victoria, Australia have exclusive jurisdiction and you submit to the courts of Victoria; and
- the law of Victoria applies.